Apply Online For Missionary Training School
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The Missionary Training Schoool at Palmas de Mamre
Application for Registration

General Information School Session:

Last Name:                                      Gender:  
First Name:                                      
City:     State: 
Zip/Postal Code: Country: 
Telephone # including area code: 
D.O.B  Nationality:
Passport or ID Number:
Emergency Contact Name:
Contact Relationship: Telephone #:
Other Emergency Contact: 
Contact Relationship: Telephone #:
We will send out perodic E-mails with updates during the training school, is there an E-mail address where a family member might like to receive these updates?

Background Information

Describe your experience when you came to Christ::

What does living as a Christian mean to you?

Why are you interested in the School of Missions?

Local Church Name: 
Pastor's Name: 
Phone / email / address:

Please send a letter of Recommendation from your pastor or elder.
Are you willing to crawl in the mud, to eat beans and rice, to run miles before the sun comes up, to study hard, and to follow God with all of your body, mind, and soul?  

How did you hear about us?
Please print out the Application, Sign, Date and send hard copy to our address listed on the application.  (This is required!)
Please Print, fill out, sign and date the Health History form  that is included in the appplication hard copy and if time permits mail this or bring with you. 
(This is required!)
Please contact us for deposit payment options.

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The Comedor meeting house
Copyright © 2011 Las Palmas De Mamre | All Rights Reserved

Serving and training missionaries in the remote area of Costa Rica.
Share Christ, Work, Missionary Training School, Teaching - Church Planting. Christian Volunteers, Training Missionaries To The World
Helping feed the poor, providing humanitarian projects and medical needs.
HomeAbout UsMinistriesMissionary Training SchoolContact UsHow You Can HelpVolunteer In Costa RicaSitemap

The Comedor, where meals, training, fellowship and medical care take place under one roof (sometimes all at once).
View some of our newest videos on the mission and missionary training school.

Financial Contributions:
Donation checks may be made out to Ann Moshenek with CR Mission in notation line if desired and mailed to c/o
Crystal Boyer
14274 S. James Madison Hwy
Dillwyn, VA 23936
